
作者:蔡甸网小编 字体: 发布时间:2013-04-14 21:40:06 来源:蔡甸网

职场四种工作style:你是哪一种?jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

3.Lovingjof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

3.热爱型jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

Lovers are relationship-builders. Believing that we're stronger together, they thrive in harmony and work hard to manage relationships and build consensus.jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

热爱型的人是创建关系的人。他们相信人们在一起会变得更强大,他们在和谐的环境中茁壮成长,努力工作来经营人们之间的关系并创建共识。jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

People strong in the Loving working style are sensitive and empathic. They have an unconscious finger on the pulse of every other person on the team. If you want to know how others on your team are really feeling, ask the Lover.jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

拥有热爱型工作方式的人敏感并具有同情心。他们从潜意识中就能把握住团队中其他人的动向。如果你想知道团队中其他人的感觉,可以问问热爱型的人。jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

But Lovers can suck at follow through and more detail-oriented work. Left to their own devices, they can out-empathize anyone and make people feel great, but not provide "tangible" work.jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

但是热爱型的人很难做好富有细节性的工作。由于他们自身的特点,他们很容易同情他人让人感觉良好,但是他们不能提供“实质的”帮助。jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

职场四种工作style:你是哪一种?jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

4.Learningjof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

4.学习型jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

Learners are the researchers. These engineer types love learning and meticulously understanding the nuances of a problem. They are deliberate, disciplined, and tend to think more strategically than most people.jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

学习型的人是研究人员。这些工程师喜爱学习并能一丝不苟地了解问题的细微差别。他们深思熟虑、有纪律性,并往往比大部分人更能深入进行战略性的思考。jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

Without others, however, Learners wouldn't get much done. In order to execute their best-laid plans, they need a team ready to act. Their strategy is only as good as the problems they actually solve--not in theory, but in reality.jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

然而,没有他人的帮助,学习型的人不会完成很多事情。为了执行他们最完美的计划,他们需要一个团队,可以随时采取行动。他们的策略和要解决的问题一样好——不是理论上的问题,而是现实中的问题。jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

Everyone has unique strengths that become super-charged once they're aligned with other people's strengths. Rather than critique someone who you believe "isn't working," make sure you're living out your unique contribution in a powerful and sustainable way. Just do what makes you come alive.jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站

每个人都有自己独特的优点,一旦它们和他人的优点结合起来就会变得威力无比。与其批评别人“没在工作,”,不如确保自己持续用力地贡献出自己的力量。什么能让你兴趣盎然,就做什么吧。 jof蔡甸网 - 蔡甸区第一新闻门户网站


